You decide to take a break, and explore The Celestial Breeze.
Out of one of the windows of the intergalactic ship, longer than New Zealand or Japan, you spy a flashing light. Scanning it with your flash band you detect an enormous space station spewing exotic particles. Your flash band designates it as Unidentified Flying Object 54-40.
You run back to the Bridge but a wormhole suddenly opens in front of you and you shoot across the universe back to your own galaxy and planet, but also back in time.
You find yourself in a lobby of an ancient hotel. Your flash band tells you that the year is 2023.
“Oh no,” you croak, gasping for air, as you remember you haven’t had your time-travel vaccinations.
You collapse to the ground as people come running towards you, but it’s too late.
The End
Or is it?
Exotic particles continue to flood The Celestial Breeze, generating more than just Einstein-Rosen Bridges. Suddenly, time reverses for you in 2023 and you feel yourself pulled backwards along your timeline until you find yourself at: